Este trabajo está dividido en
dos partes. En la primera se estudian los testimonios de culto al toro y
a la luna como definidores del territorio primitivo del ager Vasconum,
en especial las muy características «aras taurobólicas» de Navarra y el
Oeste de Zaragoza. En la segunda se propone un nuevo método de análisis,
por conjuntos, para intentar aprovechar datos, hoy inutilizables, del
geógrafo Ptolomeo (II. 6, 66), acerca de las ciudades vasconas. Con
diversos materiales arqueológicos y fuentes literarias, antiguas y
medievales, se llega a proponer nueva ubicación para dieciocho de ellas
y, en especial, para el enorme territorio público conocido como «Las
Bárdenas Reales», un posible ager Caesarianus adsignatus. La propuesta
final de localizaciones (fig. 13) coincide bastante bien con la
experimental a partir de Ptolomeo (fig. 9), lo que puede indicar la
validez del método empleado.
paper discusses two main issues. The first part is an in depth study of
the evidences related to the worship of the bull and the moon, in
particular the most characteristic of them known as
(Navarra and W. of Saragossa). They are considered by the author as
defining elements of the ager Vasconum original territory. In the
second part the researcher proposes a new method of analysis, by groups,
as a better way of making use of some of the data around the Vasconic
towns, gathered by the geographer Ptolemy (II, 6. 66). Various ancient
and medieval archaeological and literary sources analysed suggest new
locations for eighteen Vasconic towns. Specially relevant is the new
location proposed for the vast territory known as “Bárdenas
Reales”; that could possibly be an ager Caesarianus adsignatus.
The concluding proposed map (fig. 13) appear to match reasonably well
with the experimental one based on Ptolemy (fig. 9). This could
illustrate the reliability of the methods of study employed by the
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